The Vision
A nonprofit that provides hearty meals to those in need as well as hope and a renewed confidence in humanity. As I did on last year, my annual commitment is to give a donation of $500.00. Please join me in this collaborative effort to help feed those in need for the 2024 holiday season in Sumter, South Carolina (my dad’s birth city). Scroll below to read the Hearts of Gratitude Section and see how this charity is impacting others to help and assisting those who need to eat. In 2022 and 2023, every penny of more than $3,000 was used for food. Donations can be submitted via GoFundMe: Photo caption: The twins (left to right), my father the late Silas and Paul Grant, at their final birthday celebration together. — Shermonta L. Grant, Founder

Recipients and Donors
“I am very grateful to have known Silas. He was certainly a blessing in my life. I am honored to contribute to this worthy cause.”
“What a wonderful organization! I was delighted to learn of the goal of this charity that helps eliminate food insecurities in Sumter.”
“It’s going to be a tremendous help with 6 grandkids and other family members, it’s hard so this is going to be a blessing.”
“People did that for me when I was small…so why not give?”
“The way the economy is and inflation is, it’s just a good way to give back to the community.”
From My Heart to Yours
A special THANK YOU to Columbia, South Carolina’s News Channel 19 for 2022 coverage:
A special THANK YOU to Piggly Wiggly (Broad Street, Sumter) for logistical assistance (pre-distribution and on site), and food donations.
A special THANK YOU to my aunt Brenda Williams, sister of Paul and Silas, who provides decor each year (Brenda’s Balloons, Sumter).
A special THANK YOU to my cousin Julia Dinkins for her editorial support and guidance.