Paul and Silas: I Am My Brother’s Keeper

The Vision


Recipients and Donors

“I am very grateful to have known Silas. He was certainly a blessing in my life. I am honored to contribute to this worthy cause.”

“What a wonderful organization! I was delighted to learn of the goal of this charity that helps eliminate food insecurities in Sumter.”

“It’s going to be a tremendous help with 6 grandkids and other family members, it’s hard so this is going to be a blessing.”

“People did that for me when I was small…so why not give?”

“The way the economy is and inflation is, it’s just a good way to give back to the community.”

From My Heart to Yours

A special THANK YOU to Columbia, South Carolina’s News Channel 19 for 2022 coverage:

A special THANK YOU to Piggly Wiggly (Broad Street, Sumter) for logistical assistance (pre-distribution and on site), and food donations.

A special THANK YOU to my aunt Brenda Williams, sister of Paul and Silas, who provides decor each year (Brenda’s Balloons, Sumter).

A special THANK YOU to my cousin Julia Dinkins for her editorial support and guidance.

Paul and Silas: I Am My Brother’s Keeper

Copyright  © Paul and Silas: I Am My Brother’s Keeper